Wastewater Training Academy

To provide best in class training for the development of current and future wastewater professionals

Announcing WTA!

OWEA is very excited to announce our Wastewater Training Academy (WTA). This initiative has been years in the making and will be a changing force in wastewater training for Ohio.

We have heard from many of you concerning the need for quality entry level training to aid in licensure. In response, we have created our first course, Basic Wastewater. This Basic course will increase the knowledge base necessary to become skilled operators while also helping individuals prepare for the Wastewater I exam. This course was developed using the Water Environment Federation’s (WEF) Fundamentals I and II textbooks. A curriculum development team of highly qualified wastewater professionals developed a pilot Basic Wastewater Course. Two pilot courses have been completed and feedback from the participants and instructors of the pilot courses have been used to make improvements to the course before rolling it out in Fall 2024. This course is the most up to date and student tested course to aid in licensure available in Ohio.

Upcoming Courses

The Basic course will be offered in the Fall and dates and locations are still being determined. Keep an eye on this page for more information.


In the meantime, we want to provide as many resources as possible to you. Indigo Water Group offers two options for those who might need to solidify their math skills prior to the course.

The courses we recommend (at minimum) include:

  • Math Strategies for Success
  • Unit Conversions
  • Geometry
  • Chemical Dosing
  • Velocity and Hydraulic Detention Time
  • Geometry and Velocity
  • Using the Two-Normal and Three-Normal Equations
  • Advanced Activated Sludge and Clarifier Math

We also recommend:

  • Advanced Activated Sludge and Clarifier Math
  • Advanced Anaerobic Digester and Solids Math
  • Advanced Wastewater Math Grab Bag for the next steps in your career

If you don’t need CEUs, you can access these courses AT NO COST. If you are looking for credit, there is also a paid option that offers Contact Hours for Operators in Ohio.

The links below will take you directly to Indigo Water Group.

Instructor Opportunities

We are currently seeking individuals interested in being WTA instructors.

The following is a list of instructor expectations:

  1. Instruct an in person three hour a week, eighteen week course using the OWEA WTA Basic materials which includes PowerPoints, supplemental materials and tests / quizzes to a class not to exceed 20 students.
  2. Participate in an instructor orientation.
  3. Provide feedback on course content as requested by OWEA.
  4. Be a member of WEF or an OWEA State Member.
  5. Pass a background check. This means that you have no criminal convictions that would cause concern.
  6. Have at least 10 years of professional experience in the wastewater industry, ideally for this specific course the majority of this experience would need to be in a plant operator or higher level plant position.
  7. Provide an employer letter of support (if currently employed elsewhere).
  8. Assist in providing a location where the course could be taught in relative proximity to the instructor.

Downloadable PDF of Instructor Expectations

Instructor Interest Form

Special Thanks

The development of WTA and our Basic course would not have been possible without the time and effort of many individuals, including WTA Chair Dave Wilson, Lead Curriculum Developer Kim Furry,  and Lead Facilitator Jamie Decker along with Walter Ariss, Kristi Babcock, Steve Baytos, Andy Barienbrock, Melodi Clark, Brandon Fox, Josh Holton, Dale Kocarek, Jeff Lamson, and Jason Tincu. We are most grateful to these individuals and for dedicating their time to the betterment and future of our industry.