This annual competition is a the best of the best to test the diverse skills required for operation and maintenance for operators and technicians who overcome flooding, a sewer collapse, process failure and other emergencies? Do you ever wonder what transpires behind the scenes during the operation of a wastewater treatment facility? Instead of continuing to take these unsung specialists for granted, come see some of the best wastewater collection and treatment personnel in the world display their skills at Operations Challenge. Each team is sponsored by a OWEA and quasar. Winners are determined by a weighted point system for five events (collection systems, laboratory, process control, maintenance and safety), each designed to test the diverse skills required for the operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment facilities, their collection systems and laboratories.
Three OWEA Operations Challenge Teams traveled and competed in the WEFTEC 2017 Ops Challenge. NWWSD Dirty Deeds  Cincinnati Grit  Columbus Outfalls We would also like to thank the OWEA Executive Committee and all OWEA sponsors for sending all three Ohio WEA teams (the NWWSD Dirty Deeds, the Columbus Outfalls and our newest team, Cincinnati Grit) to WEFTEC this year in Chicago to represent Ohio in the national competition! OWEA covers the expenses for the winning teams travel to WEFTEC each year and this year they again sent three teams! THANK YOU on behalf of the Plant Ops Committee and the Ohio WEA teams! Congratulations to the Northwestern Water and Sewer District Dirty Deeds for placing 6th overall in Division II (up from 8th place in 2016) and to the Columbus Outfalls for placing 9th overall in Division II. There were 37 teams competing in Division II this year in Chicago. Some additional statistics from the competition are: Cincinnati Grit placed 12th in the Collections Event; the Columbus Outfalls placed 5th in the Laboratory Event, 8th in Safety and 10th in Maintenance in addition to their 9th overall placement; and finally NWWSD Dirty Deeds placed 10th in the Laboratory Event, 8th in Maintenance and 6th in Collections in addition to the 6th place overall standing. OWEA was also represented well in the judging and event coordinating category as we had 13 OWEA members in Chicago participating on that side of the competition! Great job ladies and gentlemen!