Call for Abstracts

Behind the Podium!

No calls are currently open. Please check back soon.

Speaker and Presentation Protocol:

  • The best papers document actual case studies and projects as opposed to research or theory.

  • Papers shall not be used to engage in advertising or selling equipment or professional services.

  • Several criteria will be used to evaluate the abstracts, including originality, project status, technical merit, significance, and overall quality.

  • Manuscripts will be subject to revision or rejection if lacking in quality.

  • Accepted authors who do not submit a manuscript by the required deadline will be removed from the program

  • OWEA does not offer honorariums, or pay travel or lodging expenses.

  • Presenters are extended a $50 discount on workshop/conference registration fees at OWEA events. Please contact OWEA at 614.488.5800 or to register so we may apply your discount. Or request the speaker discount code from the workshop chair.

  • If you just plan to be onsite to give your presentation, OWEA does not require you to register.  We will not include you in any meal or facility counts.

  • If selected for giving a presentation, the speaker shall agree to present the final version to the Program Chair no later than the announced date.

  • Presentations will be converted to PDF's or PowerPoint Slide Shows and posted to at the conclusion of the event.