About Us

The Ohio Water Environment Association is a non-profit, wastewater related organization with over 2000 members dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of our most precious natural resource ... WATER.
Founded in 1926, OWEA has grown to meet the challenges of our ever-changing environment. OWEA is one of the early members of the Water Environment Federation, an international federation of member associations with over 35,000 members worldwide and 81 affiliated Member Associations. WEF represents an additional 50,000 water quality professionals throughout the world. As a member of WEF, OWEA enjoys the benefits of all the resources and relationships of an international organization and proudly work to achieve the mission of preserving and enhancing the global water environment.
Sections of Ohio Water Environment Association
OWEA is divided into four Sections, each having its own governing structure. These sections, which generally consist of the four corners of the state, allow these areas further involvement with the affairs of their particular region, and offer members an opportunity to participate in our Association without extensive travel. This also offers members the ability to work closely with others in our profession, offer peer support, discuss problems and arrive at appropriate solutions.
Our members consist of Scientists and Laboratory Specialists, Engineers, Treatment Plant and Collection Systems Personnel. Manufacturer's Representatives, Educators and Students, and Regulators. We work through committees and publications.
Several educational workshops and seminars are conducted throughout the year along with our Annual Conference.