title | description |
5 questions to ask when designing an online water quality monitoring network | Justin King, YSI
Beneficial Use of Biosolids, Academic community Response to 2018 OIG report | Nick Basta, OSU
Best Laboratory Practices for Accurately Measuring Common Wastewater Lab Measurements | Claudia Worley, YSI
Bowling Green WPC, 2007 and Beyond | Doug Clark, City of Bowling Green
Determination of readily available COD | Radek Bolek, Alloway
Evaluation of Two Headworks Screening Technologies: Maintenance vs Capture Rates | Chad Vore, Parkson
Footprint Matters. How a Compact, MBR Hybrid Ultrafiltration Membrane Can Save Space and Costs while Meeting Strict Water Reuse Permeate Quality | Mark Gehring, Fibracast
How and why to monitor ATP for biological growth | Ted Simmons, Hach
Media Survival Kit - How Operators can build relationships with Local Media | Mikaela Hunt, Mikaela Media
Memorial Day Tornadoes PIO Emergency Response | Brianna Wooten, Montgomery County
Miamisburg WRF Improvements, Worth the Wait | Dave Reinker
Monitoring and Management of HABs | Elizabeth Crafton-Nelson, Hazen
Preparing for and Executing Major Operations Changes | Christen Wood, Summit County Sanitary Sewers
Submersible Pump Station Failure Analysis | Tony Lococo, Baker and Associates
The Importance of Reading Your NPDES Permit | Kim Furry, AllowayKim Alloway
Understanding the industrial pretreatment permit process | Sheila Rayman, Enviroscience
WooPoo ™ Wooster‘s Bioenergy Adventure | Nathan Coey, City of Wooster